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CHIPS was established for the sole-purpose of raising awareness about Head and Spinal Cord Injury Prevention. Our goal is to educate youth about precautions they can take to prevent traumatic childhood injuries. As a result of a sports-related injury, CHIPS  was developed to edcate our youth about all the causes of Head and Spinal-Cord Injuries such as falls, violent assaults, and automobile accidents. Our motto is to, "Play Hard and Play Smart."

According to the National Spinal Cord Association, approximately 200,000 individuals per year sustain Head and Spinal Cord Injuries, many of which are preventable! Every 38-41 minutes, an individual sustains a Head and Spinal Cord Injury, many of which are preventable! Individuals between the age of 12 and 30 years old are most likely to sustain a Head and Spinal Cord Injury; males are more likely than females. Based on the facts, it is our missions to bring about awareness through education.  CHIPS' goal is to help prevent one child from sustaining a traumatic injury and education is the key.


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